GenoPalate Glossary

Plant-based eating

What Is a Vegetarian/Vegan Diet? Considering a vegetarian diet? Discover what a vegetarian/vegan diet is and the health benefits and risks that come along with a plant-based lifestyle.

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Paleo Diet

What Is the Paleo Diet? Our nutritionists discuss the Paleo Diet in detail so you can make an informed decision about what to put into your body. Emphasis on...

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Low-Fat Diet

Demystifying Fat: Should Fat Be Part of Your Diet? We analyze over 15 fat genes that determine how your body processes fat so you can eat for optimal wellness....

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Is The Keto Diet Right For You? If your genes call for a high-fat, low-carb approach to eating, you might think the ketogenic (keto) diet is your answer. Here’s...

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Keto Diet

Is The Keto Diet Right For You? If your genes call for a high-fat, low-carb approach to eating, you might think the ketogenic (keto) diet is your answer. Here’s...

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5 Tasty Gluten-Free Dinner Recipes Here are some of our favorite gluten-free dinner recipes. Perfect for anyone with celiac disease, a gluten sensitivity, or those looking to cut empty...

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Can A DNA Test Really Tell You How To Eat? Yes! Your DNA can help you decide how and what to eat. It can also tell you what foods...

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Fad diets

How to Stop Dieting You've heard it once, twice, and now a third time: dieting doesn't work. Discover why you should stop dieting to achieve sustainable weight loss.

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Energy Balance

What Is Metabolism and How Does It Work With Nutrition and Genes? What is metabolism? This is a common question, whether you are trying to lose a few pounds,...

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