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Recommended Daily Intake

What is recommended daily intake?

Recommended daily intake (RDI) is the average daily amount of nutrients that the majority of healthy individuals need to consume to maintain good health. 

What is the recommended daily intake for protein?

The recommended daily intake for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for healthy adults. For a 150 pound person, this is roughly 55 grams of protein per day. Protein needs vary with certain factors including age, physical activity, and medical conditions. In general, older adults will need more protein to prevent the loss of lean body mass. Athletes tend to need more protein as well especially if trying to build muscle. The body will also need more protein if it is ill or needs healing for a wound. There are certain medical conditions such as kidney disease where a lower amount of protein is needed.

What is the recommended daily intake for sodium?

The recommended daily intake for sodium is 2300 mg per day or less. Most adults tend to exceed this amount. Certain factors such as activity level and medical conditions will influence daily requirements. For example, an athlete that needs more hydration will typically need more sodium each day, and an individual with hypertension or kidney disease may need lower sodium.

What is the recommended daily intake for carbohydrates?

The recommended daily intake for carbohydrates is approximately 45-65% of total calorie intake. For a standard 2000 calorie per day diet, this equates to approximately 900-1300 calories, or 225-325 grams of carbohydrates per day. At minimum, the brain needs about 130 grams per day of carbohydrates to function, though it could be less if fat is adapted on a ketogenic diet. Certain factors such as medical conditions or athletic performance can significantly alter carbohydrate needs. For example, an individual with epilepsy may be recommended a low carbohydrate diet, and an endurance athlete may be recommended a higher carbohydrate diet.

What is the recommended daily intake for Vitamin D?

The recommended daily intake for Vitamin D depends on age. Infants up to 12 months require approximately 400 international units, people ages 1-70 require approximately 600 international units, and adults over the age of 70 require approximately 800 international units per day. Other factors may alter daily needs, such as poor gut health and absorption rate, osteoporosis diagnosis, low sun exposure, or individuals who have had gastric bypass.


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