GenoPalate Digest

Food for Thought: May Newsletter
The world of nutrigenomics becomes more personalized and innovative every day. Learn some of the latest happenings in the field.

Are Pickles Healthy?
Ever wondered “are pickles healthy?” We’ll answer this question, and introduce you to all the important nutrients in pickles in the following article.

How Does the Digestive System Work?
A thorough refresher on how your digestive system works. We’ll also discuss how you can improve your digestion with GenoPalate’s personalized nutrition plan.

The Pros and Cons of a Low-Carb Diet
Are you considering a low-carb diet? Find out how your genetics will determine if this is the right diet for you. We’re weighing the pros & cons.

The Science Behind Alcohol Metabolism
Alcohol tolerance is known to vary widely between individuals. Knowing your DNA could clarify why some individuals are more sensitive to alcohol than others.

Can My DNA Determine if I Have a Caffeine Sensitivity? Yes.
This article examines how our unique DNA can determine our sensitivity to different substances, showing the connection between our DNA and caffeine consumption.

Is A Gluten-Free Diet Healthy for Individuals Without Celiac?
This post outlines what a gluten-free diet is and why someone without celiac disease might consider going gluten-free because of its different health benefits.

Genetic Lactose Intolerance & The Best Alternatives for Milk
A description of genetic lactose intolerance and a summary of the best dairy-free milk alternatives you can enjoy if you are lactose intolerant.

The Plate: Q&A, Weight Loss and the Diet Mentality Part 2
The discussion on weight loss and the diet mentality continues in our second episode of The Plate with Kristin Ricklefs-Johnson and Kelly Van Gorden.