GenoPalate Digest

The Difference Between Folic Acid and Folate
While they do share similarities, there are some major differences between folic acid and folate.

Foods That are High in Folate
Folate can be found naturally in the foods that we eat. It plays an important role in our health. Here are some different sources of folate you should be adding...

6 Foods that Can Help Improve Your Mental Health
Eating does more than just maintain your healthy weight, it can also contribute to how you are feeling mentally. Here are a few foods that can improve your mood.

The Relationship Between Food and Mood
Over the past few years, there have been many studies that make the connection between how some foods can help improve your mood, while others not so much.

How Can Stress Affect Your Eating Habits?
Being under stress can have a direct effect on the way that you eat. Many of us end up overeating, but some experience the opposite.

Can Food Cause Stress?
Many of us turn to our favourite comfort foods when we’re feeling stressed, but there are some foods that could be doing more harm than good.

How Your Diet Affects Your Sleep
Did you know that your diet and quality of sleep are linked? Make sure that you’re eating a healthy and nutrient-rich diet to improve your sleeping pattern.