GenoPalate Digest

Aging and the Immune System
Since the start of the pandemic, many of us have been more aware of the viral infections and risks associated with getting sick, especially for the older population. Individuals...

Aging and Metabolism
As we age our metabolic rate declines, however it may not be as early as we once thought! Read to learn more about metabolism as we age!

Nutrients that Support Healthy Aging
As you get older, there are a few areas where your body could use a little extra support. Read to learn more about what nutrients to include in your eating...

Nutrition Habits to Avoid for Healthy Aging
Some nutrition habits are not as beneficial when it comes to aging. Here’s a look at these habits and how you can replace them with more supportive ones.

Can a Plant-Based Diet Promote Healthy Aging?
Here’s what science has to say about the purported anti-aging benefits of a plant-based diet.

Foods That Speed Up the Aging Process
Is your body showing more signs of aging than the number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? While genetics does play a major part in how...

The Best Anti-Aging Supplements to Add to Your Diet
Ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? Our well-being and health are hugely influenced by what we eat. Eating carbs and sugars gives us the energy to get...

Diet Changes to Reduce the Signs of Aging
Nutricosmetics is the study of dermatology which shows how using your diet can help you slow down the aging process.

What is Healthy Aging?
Anti-aging has been the focus for society, but focusing efforts on aging in a healthy way should be just as important.